What to pack for Zanzibar holidays?

Zanzibar Holidays

The coastal regions of Pemba and Zanzibar have significant Muslim majorities and some sensitivity to cultural dress codes is important. When visiting villages or towns we advise you to cover up your shoulders and up to your knees, especially if you are in areas less visited by tourists and visiting towns and historical sights.

The best materials are easy-to-dry materials. You should bring a sun hat or a cap to avoid too much sunshine and sunstrokes. Don’t underestimate the hot and humid climate, especially when you are arriving from a colder region for vacation.

The sun in Africa is intense and dehydration is common. We advise our guests to drink as much water as possible but at least 2 liters of water per day. Wet wipes are also advisable to keep cool. Please bring a sunscreen of at least factor 20-30 to prevent sunburn and sunstroke. Dark glasses and a good hat or cap that shades the face are essential.

Zanzibar Holidays

Here is a small packing list for your Zanzibar vacation:

  • Valid Passport (please check the Visa requirements for your country before arrival)

  • Swimwear

  • Appropriate dress (for visiting churches, museums and monuments)

  • Sunscreen 20, 30 or 50

  • Sunhats

  • Sunglasses

  • Mosquito repellant

  • Waterproof bag for your personal items

  • Water shoes (can be very helpful for visiting the reef, caves and for boat trips)

  • Vaccination for hepatitis A, typhoid fever, yellow fever, polio, malaria prophylaxis and travelers’ diarrhea

Every trip and traveler is unique. However, our team and the processes that support our guests are consistent. With our destination expertise and round the clock support on offer, we look forward to planning your private, safe and tailor-made trip of a lifetime in Zanzibar and Tanzania. Feel free to contact us!

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