Tanzania Horizon

Climbing Kilimanjaro

How many days do I need to climb Kilimanjaro?

The more days you spend on the mountain, the better your chances for successfully reaching the summit. Statistics show that each additional day you spend acclimatizing increases your probability of success. We strongly recommend that you do not book the minimum number of days only to save money. Kilimanjaro is a challenge and numbers show that 50% of all climbers are not making it to the summit. Unfortunately that happens mostly by not having enough time to acclamitize properly which is a result of not giving your body enough time to adapt to high altitude. Chances are higher that you might experience altitude sickness, may not enjoy your climb and might not you reach the top. Of course, experienced climbers can decide to push for a faster summit than others, but the more days you spend on the mountain, the higher your chances are to achieve your goal. Therefore we recommend to climb Kilimanjaro in seven or more days for not being disappointed. You will enjoy each and every day that you spend on the mountain.

How many days do I need to climb Kilimanjaro?

Tanzania Horizon Safaris is offering a large variety of climbs, ranging from 5 Days to 9 Days on 6 different routes. For further information please read our article about Choosing the best Route for climbing Kilimanjaro or feel free to contact us.

We will be happy to assist you!

How many days - Kilimanjaro Routes Recoomendation (1)
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